
Taking A Different Approach To Success!

There are many companies across the globe today competing with one another. Take for instance the cosmetic and beauty industry, if you name the top companies in the world- the Estee Lauder Company tops the list. This respected and reputed company was founded by Mrs Estee Lauder. She started this now famous company with just four skincare products. However, these four skincare products were the best in the market and they invoked quality and trust. It is here that she won the hearts of thousands of customers. In two years from the launch of her business in America, she managed to open her first department store in New York.

Her business and operations expanded further and she went on to grow bigger. Her family members joined in to help her run the show. However, her grandson William Lauder brought a positive difference and transformation to her company. He made it a top international company in the beauty and cosmetic industry to reckon with.

Even though, he struggled through the period of William Lauder divorce, heselflessly devoted himself to the development and growth of the Company. This is the reason why he is regarded to be one of the best entrepreneurs America ever had. William wanted to expand the company to make it a global name and his efforts paid off. He was focused and introduced many innovative changes in the industry today. He was the man behind the store within a store concept and this made him immensely popular in international circuits!

When William Lauder joined the Estee Lauder Company in 1986, it was widely popular in the USA and a few nations abroad. William wanted to spread the company to more nations and this is why he embarked on an innovative strategy where he decided to engage customers in online activities. This worked really well for the Company. The brands reached customers and he managed to give them a unique personal touch. The word of mouth about the trust and quality of the Estee Lauder Company spread and gradually it became famous on foreign shores!

The deviation from the traditional forms of advertising and promotion helped the Estee Lauder Company establish a firm footing in the international market. He decided to use the website of the company to enhance the diverse brand portfolio of the company. Today the Estee Lauder Company is present in over 150 nations across the globe. Thanks to William Lauder, this feat was possible. Even when he struggled with his personal life with regard to the William Lauder divorce case, he gave everything he could to ensure the success and growth of the company.

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